Sunday, January 6, 2013

Potty training failure

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

I still owe you people my potty training adventures. Unfortunately still every little one is walking around in diapers.

The oldest one is capable of doing toilet. If LO's in a good mood LO goes almost whole day to toilet minus one or two times. But if Little One is not then she won't go at all or only one time a day.

I tried both with letting her walk in undies and still in diaper, but after approximately one week LO anyhow wants diaper back on. Just like Little Two.

Most of the 'accidents' LO walks away from whatever LO is doing to do potty somewhere which is, with the accidents, not the toilet. So the awareness of toilet is there but somehow the decision is made to pea in her pants instead of going to toilet.

Now I postponed my next attempt, my mind is not ready for it now. So insha'Allah to be continued...

Allah hafiz, take care.