Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Short update

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Insha'Allah you are all fine.

Alhamdulillah everything is fine here.
I still owe you 3 Friday wisdoms I am aware of that.

I've been busy with my house, family and the Eid that has passed.
During pregnancy and first months here it's has gotten a little messy over here. Not visible for visiting people and not even for ourselves if we just kept the closets closed. But I know it's there so decided to sort all of that out.

It only takes little longer if you can't work on it continiously. But alhamdulillah I'm really hoping to finish it this week.

Little Two is awake more aswell. So LT needs more attention too.

So insha'Allah I'll be back from next week.

Allah hafiz, take care

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

I've won! Yeah Yeah Woohoo. Don't worry I was as suprised as you are. Thanks to Izdiher, Thank you! And thanks to you all. Cause if you weren't reading I probably wouldn't be posting anymore. And offcourse than I would never have received it.

But here is my first award:

The rules for receiving this award are:
  • Thank and link back to the person who sent you the award
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Spread the love and honor, award a few amazing bloggers
  • Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

Ok now 7 things about myself:
  1. I'm a stay at home mom.
  2. I like sunny weather best.
  3. I like sports.
  4. Hoping to migrate soon to Asia.
  5. Am too much fond of 'fast food'
  6. Like to watch cookingshows.
  7. Am very quite usually.
People I want to award(in random order):
There are so many more of you who deserve it, but shame on me, I don't have the time to put all of your names down.

Insha'Allah you are all doing fine! I've had some busy weeks, but alhamdulillah.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Cramps, and particularly stomach cramps.
We probably all had to deal with them in the first weeks/months of our lives. And it was until
nearly 2 years ago when they were being introduced to me again.

First Little One got them and nothing really seemed to help. I've been walking around with LO for days, but alhamdulillah that time past. A year later we used Infacol and that seemed to help. But the
cramps were not as bad then.

I felt very said for LO during these periods and wondered what she felt. Alhamdulillah I got what I asked for, cause for a year now even I sometimes get them. And let me tell you 'It ain't fun'.

Little Two now also has them every now and then. I usually give something that should help, and maybe it does but LT still has them.
Insha'Allah this phase will pass soon.

Insha'Allah you( and your little ones) don't have to deal with cramps.

Allah hafiz, take care.