Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Back home

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

I'm back home. Already for 2-3 weeks, but at first we had to get used here and suffered little health problems. Alhamdulillah now we're doing ok.

Our holiday was great, it was more like feeling home, than it was feeling like I'm on holiday. Still hoping it will be home one day insha'Allah.

Most of you have been very busy, Masha'Allah, cause it took time for me to read all the blogposts I had missed while away.

At the moment I'm in a creative mood, so if this mood stays insha'Allah more posts of me will be coming up.

I'm now busy trying to organize my life little bit, because not feeling too well for past 4 months has messed it up big time. Alhamdulillah things are starting to go better. But still long way to go.

I'm trying to start homeschooling Little One, but till now not really successful. LO has no concentration and I have no idea how to get it and keep it. But not giving up yet.

Insha'Allah see you soon. It's time to prepare lunch and do prayer.

Allah hafiz, take care

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The good news

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Insha'Allah you are all doing well.

The potty training story is still coming up insha'Allah.

First I will let you know the good news. And then you'll also know how come again I seem to be missing.

The good news is: I'm pregnant again, alhamdulillah. Insha'Allah little 3 will be arriving next year.

But good news comes with extras which are nausea and vomiting. By now I've got me some medicines, because several people told me that I seemed to have lost weight. And as most of you know, in pregnancy it's suppose to go other way around. But alhamdulillah.

Have had some blood loss in the beginning aswell. Well some, it was enough to scare me, but alhamdulillah scan prooved that the little baby is doing fine insha'Allah.

I really hope to be back blogging soon, but for now I'm busy with eating. Not that I'm eating all day, but trying things and hoping it stays inside. The medicine seemed to be working fine the first day, and ok the second day and then not at all on the third day. So I took another pill, which is allowed. But eventough it doesn't seem to work as good as on the first day, although ofcourse alhamdulillah I can eat at least troughout the day. Even if it is only bread, without medicine I could only eat between some 12 and 16, because after that the kitchen would smell like the food of the rest of the family, and even early morning I can't stand that smell.

But alhamdulillah it's for a good cause. Even tough I secretly hope that it will be gone with 12 to 14 weeks in pregnancy.

Take care, Allah hafiz

Friday, August 31, 2012

Quick update

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Sorry for being off the radar for so long, but the people keep me busy.

A very belated Eid Mubarak!

Insha'Allah you've all had a nice Ramadhaan and Eid. I've kept my writing on hold because of lack of time and I preferred reading your blogs.

Here everything is going fine. I'm in the middle of potty training for my oldest one, insha'Allah after next week Little One won't need a diaper anymore. I'm planning to update you people later on on how that went.

Later on I have some other news aswell, but I'll share that at another time.

Now Little Two is also nicely walking around at least sometimes the two can play together. Insha'Allah  you'll get a bigger update on everything in the coming month.

I'll already warn you in advance that around Eid ul Adha I won't be blogging for a month because I won't be in the country insha'Allah.

Take care everyone, Allah hafiz.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Question and Answers Part 3

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Back again with (one of) the last updates on the tag of Foz.

Here are insha'Allah the last couple of questions.

9. What's your favourite flower?

My favourite flower, that is a hard one. I'm not so much of a flower person. At least I love to look at them in nature, but no need to have them inside my home. 

I don't know the name of these in english(anyone?), but these are the last kind of flowers that resided in my home.

10. Do you have any pets? If not what pet would you like to have?

No, don't have any pets. Don't need aswell. 
I used to want a lot of pets, but with kids and the extra cleaning that comes with them I decided I don't want anymore.

11. Grass in the garden? Or Paving?


12. Name one of your favourite blogs.

Well. I read the blogs of FozMarie, Salma, Aisha, Izdiher, Hijabimommy, Serenity and more. But I'm sorry that I rarely have the time to respond to your posts.
I got more people than I named in my feed reader on my phone, but these are the ones I follow most.

2. Funfacts

Ok now to the 12 funfacts. Difficult but I'll give it a try.(So sorry if I'm telling things you already know)
1. I have a new phone
2. I'm rarely using my laptop nowadays.
3. I'm always up for some new Indian/Pakistani recipes
4. I have had a busy week.
5. I just ate 2 coconutcookies.
6. I cut my hair last week(and messed it up. Don't know what I was thinking to do it when my little ones were awake.)
7. I've got too much clothes. Don't even know were to put it all. And to think I didn't bought anything for over a year(ok except for a new pashmina)
8. I like to clean when the sun shines.
9. I sometimes feel like an awful mom.
10. I can rarely stick to plans.

Ok you have to do with only ten. Some one woke up.

Allah hafiz, take care.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Question and Answers Part 2

Hi to all/ Asalamu alaykum,

Back for part two. While I'm suppose to be ironing clothes. Well it's what I'm doing but just taking short breaks to type after every part I've ironed.

5. What one thing would you like to achieve in 2012?

This year I would love to gain some more knowledge about Islam, learn Qur'an, Arabic and Urdu. And manage my life in a good way. Insha'Allah of course.

6. What's your favourite chocolate? 

That would be one with coconut. But others will do as wel.

7. What one tip would you give to someone who is about to get married?

It depends whether it's a he or a she. But in general: try to listen to each other, you don't have to agree but the other might be telling something interesting as wel. Try to understand each other; guy might be having a hard day at work and bringing his angry mood home, but lady can have a rough day at home aswell.

8. What country would you like to move to and why? (Or are you happy where you are?)

To India, UAE, UK, KSA, you pick it. Away from here at least. Why? Cause I don't really feel at home here, and don't think this is the best place for raising my kids.

Questions still to be answered:
9. What's your favourite flower?
10. Do you have any pets? If not what pet would you like to have?
11. Grass in the garden? Or Paving?
12. Name one of your favourite blogs.

Allah hafiz, take care

Monday, March 19, 2012

Question and Answers Part 1

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Finally I have a couple of minutes to answer the questions I received a month ago on the muslim mummy blog

Anyway to make sure I'll be able to finish the blogpost I'll not do too much of unnecesary talking.

The rules are pretty simple.
  1) You must post the rules
  2) Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post
  3) Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the fellow bloggers you plan to tag
  4) Tag 12 people and link to them on your blog
  5) Let them know you tagged them

 Ok so point number one is finished. I'll go straight to number 3 and might I have time left number 2 will be in the end somewhere aswell.

  1. What's your favourite perfume?
  I don't really wear perfume a lot, but I like my enchanteur deodorant(is this spelled correctly) I have the middle one(desire)
Picture from ct-able.com(just randomly picked one)

2. What are your dreams for the future?

Hmm future dreams. Don't really have dreams for myself. Just hoping my little ones grow up to be pious muslims and that me and my family will be reunited in Jannat insha'Allah.( Ofcourse I'm hoping to see you all there as well, but that is not really in my hands)

3. Why do you blog?

That is a very good question. I think it was either this or writing it on a peace of paper. I sometimes need to get some thoughts out of my head or are in the need of sharing things with people. So then maybe because of lack of good friends whom I know face to face.

4. What's your favourite book?

I don't read a lot of non-religious books nowadays.
The only non-religious book I look into every now and then(which I should do more often) is my Urdu book(to learn it, but it's spending more time in the closet collecting dust sounds familiair?)

I've decided to split it into 3 parts(or maybe 4, because of lack of time)

Questions still to be answered:

5. What one thing would you like to achieve in 2012? 
6. What's your favourite chocolate? 
7. What one tip would you give to someone who is about to get married? 
8. What country would you like to move to and why? (Or are you happy where you are?) 
9. What's your favourite flower? 
10. Do you have any pets? If not what pet would you like to have? 
11. Grass in the garden? Or Paving?
12. Name one of your favourite blogs.

 Stay tuned insha'Allah.

 Allah hafiz, take care

Friday, March 16, 2012

What's up?

Hi to all/ asalamu alaykum, Insha'Allah everyone of you is fine. Me and my family are doing ok, alhamdulillah. I'm constantly hoping to return here soon. But I seem to be more and more busy. My little ones keep me busy, they don't like to take a nap at the same time. Sometimes even I am wondering where the time goes and what I did all day. But usually I'm already tired before my day even ended. But alhamdulillah, at least we're all doing fine. I'm still hoping to be back soon, but wa Allahu a'lem. Take care you all! Allah hafiz

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A little bit of sunshine in this cold weather

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Today it's award time. I've got this one longggg time ago but didn't get the change to make a nice post about it.

The sunshine award(yaaaaaaayyy)

Ain't she pretty. I received it from Izdiher.

Like some other awards, this one comes with questions to answer. So here we go:

1. Favorite color?:   Blue
2. Favorite animal?:  at the moment: Butterfly
3. Favorite number?: 2
4. What parfum are you wearing now?: None, to be honest.
5. Something that you always wear that identifies you?: There is nothing really that I always were, but there are not so many people who see me without hijaab, so; Hijaab.
6. What's your passion?: Raising my kids in a good and loving way(at least trying hard), cooking I like aswell.
7. What was the last eyeshadow you used?: I think it was green.
8. Favorite day of the week?: I'm already glad if i know what day it is.
9. Are your nails painted right now?: Nope.

Allah hafiz, take care

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where have I gone?

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

I'm so sorry, but I can't seem to find time to blog myself.
I try to keep up to date with the reading other peoples blog(s).

Everyone here is fine alhamdulillah. I really hope to be back blogging more often soon, insha'Allah.

Allah hafiz, take care