Monday, March 19, 2012

Question and Answers Part 1

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Finally I have a couple of minutes to answer the questions I received a month ago on the muslim mummy blog

Anyway to make sure I'll be able to finish the blogpost I'll not do too much of unnecesary talking.

The rules are pretty simple.
  1) You must post the rules
  2) Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post
  3) Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the fellow bloggers you plan to tag
  4) Tag 12 people and link to them on your blog
  5) Let them know you tagged them

 Ok so point number one is finished. I'll go straight to number 3 and might I have time left number 2 will be in the end somewhere aswell.

  1. What's your favourite perfume?
  I don't really wear perfume a lot, but I like my enchanteur deodorant(is this spelled correctly) I have the middle one(desire)
Picture from randomly picked one)

2. What are your dreams for the future?

Hmm future dreams. Don't really have dreams for myself. Just hoping my little ones grow up to be pious muslims and that me and my family will be reunited in Jannat insha'Allah.( Ofcourse I'm hoping to see you all there as well, but that is not really in my hands)

3. Why do you blog?

That is a very good question. I think it was either this or writing it on a peace of paper. I sometimes need to get some thoughts out of my head or are in the need of sharing things with people. So then maybe because of lack of good friends whom I know face to face.

4. What's your favourite book?

I don't read a lot of non-religious books nowadays.
The only non-religious book I look into every now and then(which I should do more often) is my Urdu book(to learn it, but it's spending more time in the closet collecting dust sounds familiair?)

I've decided to split it into 3 parts(or maybe 4, because of lack of time)

Questions still to be answered:

5. What one thing would you like to achieve in 2012? 
6. What's your favourite chocolate? 
7. What one tip would you give to someone who is about to get married? 
8. What country would you like to move to and why? (Or are you happy where you are?) 
9. What's your favourite flower? 
10. Do you have any pets? If not what pet would you like to have? 
11. Grass in the garden? Or Paving?
12. Name one of your favourite blogs.

 Stay tuned insha'Allah.

 Allah hafiz, take care