Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Wisdom

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

A friend of mine has always a nice line as footnote on a forum we are both on.

Alhamdulillah, i received nothing i wanted...but i received everything i needed

Well I can't say I received nothing I wanted, cause I did receive things I wanted, but the last part is nice in my opinion. Sometimes you get things or things happen of which you think 'WHY', but later on it turned out to be for the good.

Join in:


Allah hafiz, take care!


  1. Walaikum asalam,

    MashAllah a wonderful couplet thank you for sharing may Allah reward you..

  2. Something I like very much too - It shows what we want is not always something good for us but what we need we will always have it.
    Hope life is going well for you and your family. Have a lovely week-end!

  3. Wa alaikum asalaam! good reminder, sometimes we dont realise we have all we need....and just go on about the things we want which aren't necessary
