Friday, May 27, 2011

Bread sticks

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Here I am again, with another kitchen-post. Sorry I can't help it, I was so excited that I wanted to share with all of you.

I got the pizza-dough recipe from The muslim wife's kitchen blog. And I noticed you could make more things with the dough. So I thought let's give it a try as well. I decided to make te breadsticks, nice and easy. Although they might not have the original bread stick look. Here the before photo:

From left to right: Garlic/butter, Italian herbs/butter, butter and garlic/paprika/butter.

Here they are finished and in the same order.
It took me a while to find out that my mobile phone makes better pictures without flash. So insha'Allah from now the pictures will look better.

But back to the sticks, Me and Little One liked the bread stick with the italian herbs the best. 
I think the past week I've been making the dough 3 to 4 times. Making pizza's and breads. I like bread with cheese put inside very much. I also tried it with chocolate and pizza sauce, but honestly the cheesy one beats them all.

Insha'Allah I'm going to try making a bread with herb butter inside aswell, but for now I don't have the material to do that.

Insha'Allah I'll be writing to you again soon.

Allah hafiz, take care


  1. Asalaam Alaikum!

    Oh they look good. I should try the recipe one day inshAllah!
