Sunday, June 26, 2011

Catching up

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

I'm still trying to catch up from our sick-weeks. Trying to fix the home back to normal, trying to follow your blogs before getting to my own. So it's still a litlle quiet out here. Alhamdulillah I remembered it is friday today so I managed to post a quote fast. By the time this post comes online it's not friday anymore, but who cares. When I have time I write as much as possible which results into putting posts ready for other days. Otherways it will be quiet here a lot and then all of the sudden you would get 3 posts in one day. So trying to spread it out.

I think, if I have time insha'Allah, I'll look for some nice quotes for the Ramadan already, so you at least have a post each week. Just this morning I thought maybe writing on paper first is better, but you'll will find out little later that that is not the case. Still have to type that post, but this came in my head now first so first you have to deal with this.

I have to say, big thumbs up for everyone who is posting regularly and has kids, work etc. I don't know how you do it. Because one kid and being stay at home mom I'm busy a lot. Ok I might be pregnant and going towards the end, so I do have a little less energy and Little One is not allowing me to sit on the laptop for a longer amount of time, but that are no excuses. I'll try my best to keep updating regularly.

Insha'Allah I'll be writing to you again soon.

Allah hafiz, take care!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Wisdom

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

If you want to join in:


Allah hafiz, take care

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

I already want to give you a heads up about the fact that during Ramadan(August) I probably won't be posting much. Next to the fact that I want to spend more time on Deen, I'm also due in that month. Ofcourse we don't know exactly when Litlle Two decides to show up, but I'm still expecting that month.

I want to give the fasting a try aswell, but that can mean less energy and if Little One permits a litlle more sleeping during the day. But anyways it can be that I won't be posting much for 2 months, cause I think I have to get used to having another blessing to take care of. It'll probably take some time for me to adjust to it. But I'll try to be creative a lot the coming weeks and hopefully/insha'Allah I can put some posts ready for that time.

So if you find me missing commenting on your blogs or blogging myself during that time, you'll know what is going on.

Allah hafiz, take care

Friday, June 17, 2011

Entry in to the friday wisdom.

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

A sister has a blog that I've been following. She decided to do a friday post with quotes/sayings/Ahadith.
She kindly asked people to join in, and I decided I wanted too.

I had already been thinking about it, but then thought, maybe somewhere in the future. Now she invited people and that is the chance to do so myself aswell. If you want to participate aswell do click on the picture below and leave your blog url there.

Because I have too many things to do, I will start of coming friday and not today. Sorry for that, but my little one decided to sleep late, which means now only I have some time to clean and cook before my visitor comes.


Allah hafiz, take care.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Insha'Allah everyone of you is doing fine. We had a sickness-relay over here. So that's why it was a litlle quiet. But alhamdulillah even though we are not all 100% yet, we feel lots better.

But also I don't have much to tell actually, we didn't do much besides trying to get through the day and sleep whenever possible.

I only did some working on the kufi, which again I took apart, only this time not completely. And today I started it again, but it need some more days of work before it will be finished. Since I can only work on it when Little One is sleeping. I didn't made the same mistake as last time, no this time I did the opposite, I made it to big. I kept increasing till a point where it was never going to be a kufi or hat shape thing anymore. Luckily with crocheting you can just take it apart and start over.

I'll keep it short today, cause I still need to cook dinner(have no idea what yet).

Insha'Allah I'll be writing to you soon.

Allah hafiz, take care.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

From Hat to Kufi

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

I showed you the first trial of a hat last week or so. Now I show you the second trial, but since I didn't think it to fit the new baby I decided once again to take it apart and try to make a Kufi first instead. Cause I have an example lying around I can measure troughout the making process to see if I'm still on the right track. The design is going to be different and the colour as well, but at least the size should fit. Otherwise ofcoure it is of no avail.

It looks lot better than the first trial if I may say so, but still to small.

I also want to show what I'm using for my sewingproject, although you have to wait for sometime till that post is coming up, because it's not ready yet.

It's an old t-shirt of mine, hoping to transform it in to something beautiful.

Insha'Allah I'll be writing to you soon.

Allah hafiz, take care.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

More bread

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

Yes here I am again with bread. I allready told you that I made a variation with cheese in it. And when I made it again I remembered to take some pictures so to show you. Although this time I made small round ones, sometimes I make them in a baguette shape.

These are of before the baking process.
And here the finished result. I managed to take a snap before this one was also finished.

Here is my latest trial and error. Bread with herb butter. You can see on the pictures how I put it together.

 Just one advice: Make sure you close it properly otherwise al the butter will come out. I thought I had closed mine properly, but when it was finished I found out that it wasn't.

See here the result, should be more butter inside, but there was a pool of herb butter on the baking tray.

Insha'Allah next time it will come out better.

Allah hafiz, take care.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My new best friend?

Hi to all/ Assalamu alaykum,

On monday we went out for some shopping. And we came back with what might become my new best friend. A sewing machine(just internet picture of the one I have)

Just a budget-machine, but that should be ok for a beginner like me. The first time I already got some thread stuck in the machine, but litlle sabr and fixed it. I later realised that I forgot to put the presserfoot down that's why the mess happened.

Alhamdulillah, day two I took apart a shirt of mine and now busy trying to make it in my first piece of clothes. Too be continued next week insha'Allah.

I also sold something, an old friend.

I bought it years ago and it was already lying in a box underneath the bed for years aswell. So I thought better sell it now to someone who is happy with it than to wait till it falls apart by itself because of getting old.

Just a quick post in between, because I spended my free time the last 2 days in front of the sewing machine.

Insha'Allah I'll be writing to you soon.

Allah hafiz, take care